Undoubtedly, the perfect partner of the second Sideshow Premium Format of Captain America is the corresponding statue of the Red Skull, in this "Allied Charge on Hydra" version, released in 2014 in both a regular (1500 pieces) and an exclusive (500 samples) version. The piece was designed by Kris Anka, sculpted by Matt Black and painted by Steve Riojas and Bernardo Esquivel; its size is rather limited (21 x 27 cm), with a height of 54 cm and a weight of approximately 5.5 Kg. The pose is slightly dynamic: the character is erect with the rotated bust and seems to turn his gaze towards an hypothetical enemy, while loading his Mauser gun with both hands. The whole figure is characterized by a typical Nazi style clothing: Red Skull wears a military pale green uniform, well refined with a black collar, a thick red edge, small buttons and two large pockets on chest and a fine black leather belt at waist. A long, black leather raincoat covers the criminal up to his feet; its board contains a inner iron wire that allows to shape it at will, while the pockets at the sides and the bottom show evident signs of wear and dirt. The military uniform is complemented by two tall and shiny boots and a pair of leather gloves, as usual for the Nazi hierarchs. The only uncovered part of the figure is the face, realized in a masterful way, with two perfect blue eyes and the classic traits of a skull, here embellished by a large and rigid hat (made of resin) showing the Hydra logo on the front. Note the impeccable coloring and the sculpt of the hollowed contours, enriched by dark shades, the many wrinkles on the neck and the typical, psychopathic gaze of the character. The exclusive version is equipped with an interchangeable head, depicting a face which reminds many tables of the old Comics: the shape is less rawboned, with protruding cheekbones and very large eyebrows' arches, while the mouth is closed in a contemptuous grimace which gives a great expressiveness to the character. The base is circular and shows a tiled floor, enriched with a typical German helmet of the II World War. In conclusion, a very fine, well sculpted and refined piece, and an excellent representation of one of the most fascinating and fearsome villains of the Marvel Universe.